Finding Qualified Milwaukee Divorce Lawyers

Submitted by: Porter Hibbitts

If you re like me, you sat around for hours and lost sleep at night wondering where on earth someone can find a qualified Milwaukee divorce attorney. If you re like everyone else, the thought it only comes up when you actually need a divorce lawyer.

The phone book doesn t get delivered anymore and the Milwaukee yellow pages isn t what is was 20 years ago as an information resource for legal services. If you go online and type Milwaukee Divorce Attorneys into a search engine, the search results can be overwhelming.

The first several links are for family law lawyer directories in Milwaukee, other private Milwaukee lawyer websites follow those. How can you make sure you hire a family lawyer who is going to get the result you deserve?


You re in luck. A long time ago the Milwaukee Bar Association set up a Lawyer Referral Service to help local residents find a lawyer who is right for them. The lawyer referral service screens attorneys in almost every area of law, including family law, and can help you find the qualified Milwaukee lawyer you ve been looking for. They check to see whether the attorney is insured and whether there has been any discipline in the attorney s past.

Divorce is a serious matter and if there are kids involved, it can be very stressful and hard-fought. You want what s best for the children and presumably, so does your soon-to-be ex-spouse but there is not much agreement often about what that means.

Location of the case is usually determined by the location of the parties but this is another point you ll need to talk with your attorney about. Is your case to be filed in Milwaukee? This is dependent on your circumstances, as with everything else in your case.

The division of property is another thing that you ll need to speak with your Milwaukee divorce lawyer about. There are lots of laws about what belongs to which spouse, including property you brought into the marriage and property you accumulated over the course of your marriage.

Support of the kids and alimony are two issues that can make a divorce difficult because the children need clothes, food and shelter (and tuition sometimes) and someone has to pay for all of that.

The important thing to remember is hiring a lawyer is a very serious decision and it s a good idea to talk to the Milwaukee Lawyer Referral Service before you hire anyone. They ll listen to you and help you find a qualified Milwaukee divorce attorney who can give you advice and if it works out, help you through this difficult process. It s a non-profit public service and the first consultation with the attorney costs very little.

This article is offered for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Nor is this article a referral or recommendation about the services of any particular lawyer. The circumstances surrounding every case is different and you should perform a search for your own lawyer, get advice about your particular matter and be sure to consult with several Milwaukee attorneys before you decide who you re going to hire.

About the Author: MLRS is a non-profit public service helping local residents find qualified legal help.


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