Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Tim F. Richardson
How do you improve catches when you use readymade baits that are the same as most other anglers on your water? How can you achieve some great edges very simply and easily that can leave the competition wondering how you are catching better than they are? Here are some practical tips written to help you improve your autumn, winter and spring cold water carp catches!
While talking to anglers on the bank this week it was very clear that many were using the same readymade bait, and in fact were using a bait that fish are now well aware are risky to feed on. This situation is not great when you consider that fish will feed on familiar readymade baits that they have been hooked on previously. The bait used on this particular water was Mainline Cell. I happen to know exactly what the significant product is within this bait that gives it its active effects and the major feed triggering effects of the bait when active as a whole, yet I do not use this bait.
I prefer to make my own homemade baits simply because I know for certain that unless I have hooked fish on it previously then fish have as few reasons as possible to be cautious of it and in fact have maximum reasons to feed most enthusiastically on them. However the point of this article is to help you improve your catches if you happen to be a readymade bait user and have not realised the awesome advantages of making your own baits yet!
One point I was explaining to a few guys on the bank this week about was how to make your readymade baits more potent. This aspect of bait is so incredibly important, yet the guys seemed to have glazed over eyes the moment I brought it up as they had very little awareness of the massive implications of bait potency on a multiplicity of levels. These guys had no idea what I was talking about; such is the level of sophistication of many readymade bait users today and that is a great shame as anglers are missing out big time!
The best way to learn about how to use readymade baits is to make homemade baits made for maximum potency. This way you can learn all about how to maximise various modes of action of readymade baits, among many other aspects of baits that get loads more catches than just using readymade baits straight from the bag! I will not make a big deal about details here but just mention one tip here that will enable you to make baits that much more digestible, water soluble and more feed triggering in cold water conditions of autumn, winter and spring.
Marmite and other so called autolysed yeast products have very special properties far more profound than mere salt content or water soluble and digestible protein content and stimulatory and essential amino acids profiles etc. Some anglers might say that Marmite and other yeast extracts are nothing new in regards to carp baits, yet it is how you utilise them and why you do this to get more bites that matter specifically, in this example of a cold water edge!
In the case of Marmite few anglers realise that it is fortified with vitamins, some of which are not only essential for carp, but actively will help carp release energy in cold water conditions and enable you to achieve more cold water fish as a result of fish being energized and so be able to consume and digest more bait. In fact /marmite has so much added vitamin content that is it actually banned from the shelves in Denmark for breaking laws governing the levels of added vitamins allowed in products. This joins the ranks of other foods such as Vegemite, Horlicks, Ovaltine and Farleys Rusks which are well known nutritional products anyway even without added extra vitamins!
The ingredient lists of all these make fascinating reading when you are looking for feeding triggers and biologically active substances to stimulate feeding and provide nutritional value too. There is good reason why all those B vitamins are included alongside the yeast extract, loads of salt, vegetable extract, spice extracts and celery extract. There are many parts of these that improve metabolism and boosting metabolism in cold water carp is vital in order to get fish to feed!
I could really go into detail about the significance of the celery extract, and certain spice extracts used and the significance of the salt levels included. However one thing you do not see on the level is the level of glutamate in Marmite and other yeast extracts, which contribute greatly to feed triggering impacts on carp and intensify flavours greatly.
I could say so much about the salt in terms of water reactions and reactions and water and solution activity within baits and the water column but here what I want to mention is the hidden internal impacts that Marmite has upon the digestive system and bait throughput once inside fish, because this aspect of cold water baits is absolutely a huge edge!
Marmite is primarily a predigested product based on a beer brewing bye product. It is related in many ways to such well known carp bait additives as corn steep liquor and the old favourite, malt extract. All these and more are absolutely ideal for cold water baits and in fact very many so called flavours or flavour components are also related to fermentation processes or are bye products of various brewing techniques of various materials.
Well the tip I am going to give you is simply to make a mixture of corn steep liquor powder added to Marmite or other yeast extract. Simply add enough corn steep liquor powder to your yeast extract to make a paste.
I personally might also add high potency honey as this has many important properties, practical impacts and stimulatory impacts. Black strap molasses or molasses meal are also very good additives if you want you bait to have more longer lasting taste intensity and stimulate the palatial receptors in the mouths of carp to induce even more prolonged consumption of baits and so get more bites. The levels to use are totally up to you as you can use this simple example for a myriad of purposes. You can take this example as a basic starting point and make some very potent can complex baits adding more potent substances as you grow in your awareness and develop more along your bait making path!
You might use your bait soak in many various concentrations and in many different variations such as using it as a very thick bait soak to very effectively and quickly differentiate your readymade bait from those the herd are using. I talk more about such things in my Bait Kitchen on CC Moore TV (on their website front page,) and also in my regular Crafty Carper monthly bait column. You might also use your paste as a bait wrap too and even make your paste, and use it in PVA bags alongside your broken readymade baits soaked in your special liquid yeast mixture.
I like to use Phillips yeast mixture too even though the formula has changed somewhat since the days when PYM baits were very well known and even used by people such as Kevin Maddocks.
Fine seaweed powders are great for cold water too as are crunchy kelp and liquid kelp complex for example, from CC Moore.
Phillips yeast mixture can be obtained through pet food suppliers and pet shops etc. One thing I like to add to versions of my winter paste is cantaxanthin. This is a red pigment that has cumulative internal impacts on carp that makes them feed more and more enthusiastically on your baits when introduced and fed on regularly and it is a real edge.
For more great details on how to get the edge over your fellow readymade bait users think ahead! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.
About the Author: Improve your catches for life with these world-wide proven expert readymade and homemade bait secrets bibles: BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS! BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS! And BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS! NOW VISIT:
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