Thursday, January 19, 2006
A New Zealand newspaper reported on Wednesday the 18th of January that the New Zealand Ministry of Health intends to send out brochures, to about 1.4 million households in a national mail drop; on how to prepare for a Avian Flu pandemic. It is believed that the campaign would begin in March.
The brochures will contain information on how to set up emergency kits, and hygiene guides.
The brochures will complement print, radio and television advertising, which will be running at the same time. Advertising started this week on National Radio; New Zealand’s public service radio broadcaster.
Dr Ashley Bloomfield, acting director of public health, would not confirm a mail drop at this stage, but other activities for raising awareness such as more paid advertising, updates to the website and 0800 number, and “possibly” a nationwide mail drop.
The Avian Flu H5N1 has killed at least 79 people since 2003.