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By Sean Goudeloc
When it comes to car shipping to Durban, it is important to keep in mind that there are presently two common methods available for you. The first is through the RORO method where specialized vessels are used to carry so-called rolling cargoes like cars, motorcycles, trucks, and even motorhomes and take them to the Durban port.
The RORO method is said to be the most inexpensive method that you can avail of if you have plans of shipping to South Africa generally large items like cars. This is because charges are applied only on the space taken up by the car once this is loaded onto a RORO vessel. The method also happens to be quite secure since your vehicle gets checked several times while this is being shipped.
Additionally, extreme care is taken to ensure that your vehicle is not unnecessarily damaged from the moment this gets loaded until the RORO ship reaches its destination. Travel time of the ship lasts from as short as 20 days to as long as 30. For its trip to Durban in South Africa, the vessel departs from its base in the UK once every 14 days.
The second method of vehicle shipping to Durban involves the use of containers. Under a container shipping to Durban method, your vehicle gets placed inside containers having either a 20 or 40 feet measurement. Ratchet straps and chocks are primarily used to secure the vehicle while inside these containers.
The difference between a 20-foot container and a 4-foot one is that with the latter, you can load anywhere from 2 to 3 different vehicles, However, this will still depend on the size of the vehicles involved. Regardless of the container size used, the ship carrying them travels from 24 to 31 days before reaching the port in Durban.
Inside these containers, the vehicle is usually considered hazardous goods. As such, car shipping to Durban will involve being supplied with the so-called Dangerous Goods Note which serves as a form of added protection for your car. People will naturally have second thoughts about toying with containers tagged as having dangerous items inside. The same thing can be said when it comes to shipping a truck to Durban.
On the other hand, in Cape Town, the process of car shipping is seen as a lot longer and normally more expensive. This is mainly because this particular town in South Africa is known for having a highly-rated mass transport system. As such, there is no need to ship your car over unless you have plans of doing a lot of travels while staying in South Africa. Even so, many visitors are known to simply sell their vehicles before coming over to the country where they eventually purchase a less expensive car which they can use for their various trips.
Upon arrival in Durban port, the next step in your car shipping to Durban process is to have your vehicle cleared by South African customs authorities. After this, the cleared vehicle has to be loaded onto an automobile carrier which will take the same to its destination. In this regard, it is important to note that if your vehicle has been brought to Durban in transit prior to being taken to such countries as Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, this will not be given the license to be taken across South Africa.
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